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Ability of Trichoderma harzianum in Carbon Fiber and Silica Nano Particles Formulation to Control Fusarium oxysporum In vitro
Hersanti, Luciana Djaya, Iman Ilahiyyat, Risa Rismaniar Ruhyaman

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padjadjaran
Jl. Bandung Raya Sumedang Km. 21 Jatinangor, Indonesia, 45363

Wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum is one of the major diseases that cause yield loss on shallot plants. An environmentally save control method can be carried out by using biological agents. The antagonistic microorganism that has the potency to control wilt disease is Trichoderma harzianum. A carrier will be needed in a formulation of this antagonistic fungus. The formulation can also be enriched with plant micronutrient. Carbon was proven useful as a carrier of some antagonistic bacteria. Addition of silica nano particles (silica NPs.) in the formulation did not reduce the vialbility of the same antagonistic bacteria. An experiment was carried out to determine the ability of T. harzianum in the formulation with carbon fiber and silica NPs. to suppress the in-vitro growth of F. oxysporum. The experiment was arranged in the completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were challenging F. oxysporum by T. harzianum in different formulation on potato dextrose agar. The formulation consisted of T. harzianum + 0.5% silica NPs., T. harzianum + 1% silica NPs., T. harzianum + 0.5% silica NPs. + 5% carbon fiber, T. harzianum + 1% silica NPs. + 5% carbon fiber, and T. harzianum only. The results showed that each treatment with T. harzianum in the formulation of carbon fiber + various concentrations of silica NPs. was able to suppress the in vitro growth of F. oxysporum.

biocontrol, biological agents, antagonistic fungus

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Alginate edible coating enriched with vanilla oil to maintain the shelf-life of fresh-cut red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus).
Nafi Ananda Utama, Indira Prabasari, Chanda K Setiawan, Irfan Fajri

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Lis Noer Aini

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The research aimed to find out the best concentration from various vanilla essential oil concentration as antimicrobial agent added to alginat edible coating to inhibit the growth of microbial decomposition and maintain shelf-life of fresh-cut red Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus). The experiment was designed with Completely Randomized Design using four treatments as follows: 1) vanilla essential oil 0%, 2) vanilla essential oil 0.1%, 3) vanilla essential oil 0.3% and 4) vanilla essential oil 0.6%. The result showed that vanilla essential oil 0,6% was able to inhibit fresh-cut red Pitaya-s fungal decomposition. Concentration of vanilla essential oil 0,6% could maintain physical and chemical quality based on weight loss, firmness, titratable acidity and total soluble solids content. Moreover, sensory analysis on fresh-cut red Pitaya indicated that the same result. Edible coating alginate and vanilla essential oil was able to maintain the quality of fresh-cut red Pitaya up to 9 days.

Fresh-cut Red Pitaya, Vanilla Essential Oil, Edible coating, Alginate

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Siti Nuryanti dan Heni Purwaningsih

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

Program Study of Education Chemistry of TeacherTraining and Education, Tadulako. Jl/ Soekarno-Hatta, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
2) Yogyakarta Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology

Moringa is a multifunctional vegetable plant so that all parts of this Moringa plant can be used as a food source because it contains active compounds and complete nutrition. Moringa is widely used because it is beneficial to health. Many compounds in Moringa leaves are very beneficial for health, one of which is plavonoid compounds. An analysis of the flavonoid content in Moringa leaves has been analyzed. Analysis of flavonoid content was carried out by extracting Moringa leaves with 2% aquades-acetic acid solvent. The extract was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of the analysis showed a positive effect on flavonoids with 17.42 mg / 100 g samples

Moringa leaves, 2% acetic acid, flavonoid content

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Application of Geographic Information System for Mapping of Hevea Brasiliensis and Aquilaria malaccensis Land Suitability at Simpang Kuta Buluh
Rahmawaty, A Rauf, R Batubara and S Frastika

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Rahmawaty PhD

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Hevea brasiliensis and Aquilaria malaccensis were planted by the community because of its high economic value. The suitabilty land of Hevea brasiliensis and Aquilaria malaccensis in North Sumatra Province are important, especially in the agroforestry land that are often planted by the community. This study aimed to map the suitability of the land for Hevea brasiliensis and Aquilaria malaccensis in Simpang Kuta Buluh village, Sei Bingai Sub District, Langkat District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The survey method was conducted to collect soil samples in the field. Land suitability classification (LSC) for Hevea brasiliensis and Aquilaria malaccensis was evaluated based on the matching method. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to map the land suitability both actual and potential land suitability. The results showed that the actual land suitability classes for Hevea brasiliensis in Simpang Kuta Buluh Village were moderately suitable (S2) (52,91%) and marginal suitable (S3) (47,09 %). The actual land suitability classes for Aquilaria malaccensis in Simpang Kuta Buluh Village also the same with Hevea brasiliensis, namely: S2 and S3.There were several limiting factors in land suitability evaluation in the area. The limiting factors for Hevea brasiliensis namely: temperature (tc) and root zone medium (rc). The limiting factors for Aquilaria malaccensis namely: root zone medium (rc).

Agroforestry, Aquilaria malaccensis, Hevea brasiliensis, GIS, Land suitability.

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Application of Geographic Information System for Mapping of Hevea Brasiliensis Land Suitability at Simpang Kuta Buluh and Rumah Galuh Village
Rahmawaty1, A Rauf2 and S Frastika1

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

1Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Tridharma Ujung No.1, Kampus USU Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia 20155

2Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara Indonesia 20155

Hevea brasiliensis was planted by the community of Simpang Kuta Buluh village and and Rumah Galuh Village because of its high economic value. The suitabilty land of Hevea brasiliensis in North Sumatra Province are important, especially in the agroforestry land that are often planted by the community. This study aimed to map the suitability of the land for Hevea brasiliensis in Simpang Kuta Buluh village and Rumah Galuh Village, Sei Bingai Sub District, Langkat, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The survey method was conducted to collect soil samples in the field. Land suitability classification (LSC) for Hevea brasiliensis was evaluated based on the matching method. The Geographic Information System (SIG) was used to map the land suitability both actual and potential land suitability. The results showed that the actual land suitability classes for Hevea brasiliensis in Simpang Kuta Buluh Village were moderately suitable (S2) (52,91%) and marginal suitable (S3) (47,09 %). The actual land suitability classes for Hevea brasiliensis in Rumah Galuh Village were moderately suitable (S2) (86,97%) and marginal suitable (S3) (13,03%). There were no suitable (S1) and not suitable (N) classes were found in both villages. There were several limiting factors in land suitability evaluation in the area, namely: temperature (tc), erosion hazard (eh), and root zone medium (rc).

Agroforestry, hevea brasiliensis, GIS, Simpang Kuta Buluh Village, Rumah Galuh Village

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Application Of RAPD Markers to Analyze Genetic Diversity Among Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Genotypes
Annisa Fadhilah Sitepu (a), Eva Sartini Bayu (a*), Luthfi Aziz Mahmud Siregar (a), Lollie Agustina P. Putri (a), Asni (b)

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Corresponding Author
Annisa Fadhilah Sitepu

(a) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jalan Prof. A. Sofyan no.3 Kampus USU Padang Bulan, Medan 20155 Indonesia
*Corresponding author:email evagirsang61[at]
(b)Laboratory staff of biotechnology laboratory

Date palm cultivation can be done generatively and vegetatively. Tissue culture is one of the techniques used for vegetative date palm cultivation. The weakness of this technique is the presence of genetic variations in the results of propagation through tissue culture known as somaclonal variation. One type of molecular markers commonly used for variations in genetic variation is RAPD (Random Polymorphic Amplified DNA) markers. The aim of the research was to analyze genetic variation of Date Palm genotypes using three RAPD primers - OPD-13, OPD-20, and OPO-16. This research is conducted by taking 8 genotypes from tissue cultur propagation and 2 genotypes from seed propagation. Calculation of distance matrix or genetic inequality is done by two types of descriptive analysis of diversity such as Principal Coordinates Analysis (PcoA) and Neighbor-Joining Tree (NJtree) using DARwin 6.0 software. Based on the cluster analysis, 10 samples of date palm group into three major groups with a total of molecular diversity was 83.11%, The range of dissimilarity coefficient was 0 – 0.6.

date palm, genetic diversity, RAPD marker

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Indira Prabasari1), Nafi Ananda Utama1), Endah1), Slamet Riyadi2), Tony K Hariadi2)

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Indira Prabasari

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The study aimed to obtain optimum concentration of L-arginine and time of immersion to prevent enzymatic browning on fresh-cut Salak. The research was performed in April 2018 and conducted in Single Factor Completely Randomized Design with treatments as follows: (P0), Control, (P1) L-arginine 50 mM and immersion time 5, (P2) L-arginine 50 mM and immersion time 10, (P3) L-arginine 50 mM and immersion time 15, (P4) L-arginine 100 mM and immersion time 5, (P5) L-arginine 100 mM and immersion time 10, (P6) L-arginine 100 mM and immersion time 15, (P7) L-arginine 150 mM and immersion time 5, (P8) L-arginine 150 mM and immersion time 10, (P9) L-arginine 150 mM and immersion time 15. The result showed that L-arginine 150 mM prevented browning and prolong shelf life of fresh-cut Salak based on weight loss, hardness, colour, phenol content and organoleptic. The result will be used as reference to develop non-destructive method using SVM (Sopport Vector Machine) to analize the degree of browning on fresh-cut Salak.

Fresh-cut Salak, L-Arginine, Browning

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Ali Ikhwan1*) and Moh. Nurcholis 2)

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Corresponding Author
Ali Ikhwan

Agrotechnology Study Program,
Faculty of Agriculture and Husbandry
University of Muhammadiyah Malang

The results of previous studies have obtained several bacteria that are tolerant of plastic waste. However, its ability has not been tested as biodegradation of plastic and biological fertilizers. Therefore this research is intended to test the potential ability of these bacteria as biodegradation of plastic waste and as biological fertilizer by using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry (GC-MS). GC-MS analysis results on SP6 isolates as plastic-tolerant bacterial models, have obtained 5 specific secondary metabolites which act as biodegradation of plastic with the composition: Malic acid (?4?6?5) 1.85%, Xanthine (?5?4?4?2) 1.08%, Myo inositol ( ?6?12?6) 1.32%, γ Glutamyl alanine (?8?14?2?5) 0.85% and Ribitol 5 phosphate (?5?13?8?) 1.30%. In addition, the isolate was also able to synthesize several phytohormones with the composition: α Aminobutyric acid3 (C4H9NO2) 1.20%, Indoleacetic acid (C10H9NO2) 1.85%, Kinetin (C10H9N5O) 1.19%, Kinetin glucoside (C16H19N5O7) 1,19 % and Benzyladenine 9 glucoside N6 (C18H21N5O5) 1.31%, thus the bacterium has a double potential, besides being able to degrade plastic, it also has the potential as a biofertilizer.

biodegradation, biological fertilizer, phytohormone, Gass Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry, Plastics

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Benzyl Amino Purine Enhances Multiplication of Vanda tricolor Protocorm Like Bodies
Innaka Ageng Rineksane, Evo Wandi Saputra, Gatot Supangkat, Agung Astuti

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Vanda tricolor orchids are endemic to the slopes of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. The mountain slopes and eruptions in 2006 have destroyed 80% of the habitat and threatened the existence of these orchids. In addition, the exploitation of Vanda tricolor out of its natural habitat by the community for collection or selling it outside the area has reduced the orchid population. Therefore, efforts should be carried out to improve technology to reproduce and regenerate Vanda tricolor orchids. One of alternative to regenerate Vanda tricolor is using multiplication technique through in vitro and ex vitro cultures. The objective of this study was to determine the best type and concentration of cytokinin for the multiplication of Vanda tricolor PLBs. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with single factor consist of 7 treatments id est medium without cytokinin, BAP 0.5 mgL-1, BAP 1 mgL-1, TDZ 0.5 mgL-1, TDZ 1 mgL-1, Kinetin 0.5 mgL-1 and Kinetin 1 mgL-1. Parameters observed in this study were a percentage of live, browning and contamination explant, the diameter of PLB, the emergence of shoots, the percentage of explant sprouting, the number of buds, the emergence of roots. The data were analyzed by using The Analysis of Variance at α=5% and further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at α=5%. The results showed that BAP 0.5 mg / L was the best cytokinin for multiplication of Vanda tricolor PLBs.

Vanda tricolor,Tissue Culture, Cytokinin, Multiplication

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Sukuriyati Susilo Dewi, Senja Tri Hastutik, Chandra Kurnia Setiawan

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Corresponding Author
Sukuriyati Susilo Dewi

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Cassava is one of the main crops developed in the Gunung Kidul used as local staple food. There are various varieties cultivated, but its characteristic remains unknown. This information are required to be investigated further as the characteristics of each variety, particularly the nutrient content and physical properties would determine the success of Mocaf (Modified cassava flour) production. This study was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 varieties tested, namely Kirik, Gambyong, Jawa, Gatotkaca, and Bamban. Tuber harvested from a 9-months-aged cassava plant were measured for various nutrient contents (protein, ash, starch, fiber, fat, carbohydrate, HCN) and physical properties (tuber color, organoleptic, viscosity, and moisture content). The physical properties and nutrient contents contained in the tuber were varied among varieties. Variety exhibiting the best quality and characteristic among all tested varieties for mocaf production was Bamban. The tuber of this variety had white color (91.53) and contained 18.10 ppm HCN, 77.84% starch, 1.11% protein, and 9.04% dietary fiber. However, these characteristics still had not yet met the national standards of Indonesia, particularly regarding its HCN and starch contents.

cassava, characteristic, varieties, Mocaf

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Sri Yuni Hartati

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor, Indonesia

Synchytrium pogostemonis is one of the most important fungal pathogens. This fungus causes budok disease on patchouli plant. Research to control the disease was conducted at Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crop Research Institute (ISMCRI) Bogor. Research purpose was to evaluate effectiveness of citronella, clove, and neem essential oil formulas on budok disease incidence. Single formula of citronella, clove, and neem were tested, as well as, their combination formulas of those three essential oils. Two synthetic fungicides (benomyl and bourdeaux mixture) were also tested as comparisons, as well as, water as a control treatment. One-month-old patchouli plants were sprayed with single and combination formulas of those three essential oils (5 ml/l), benomyl (3 g/l), bourdeaux mixture (1 g/l) and water as much as (100-200 ml/plant) every two weeks for 5 times respectively. Experiment was conducted in a Randomized Completelly Block Designed (10 treatments, 3 replicates, and 16 plants/replicate). This experiment indicated that application of combination formula of (neem+citronella) was the most effective (56.51%) against budok disease. Its effectiveness was higher and comparable to benomyl (47.82%) and bourdeaux mixture (52.18%). This combination formula of (citronella+neem) could be recommended for the control of budok disease of patchouli. The use of essential oils combination formulas, hopefully could control budok disease, inhibit the resistancy of target pathogens, reduce the concentration of the more toxic essential oil once, reduce phytotoxicity, as well as, to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides.

Patchouli, budok, Synchytrium pogostemonis, essential oils

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Control of goosegrass (Eleusine indica) pre-emergence and post-emergence alone or mixture on rubber field
Edison Purba1*, Rasinta Armando Sembiring1 and Lentina Sitinjak2

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

1 Agrotechnology Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara.
2Agrotechnology Program, Universitas Quality, Berastagi

Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) is an important weed in rubber plantation. It is getting more difficult to control with glyphosate herbicide of which is normally very common used to control the weed in rubber plantation in North Sumatra. The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of preemergent (indaziflam 150g a.i/ha) and postemergent herbicides (glyphosate 720g a.e./ha, paraquat 400g a.i/ha, ammonium glufosinate 450g a.i./ha) alone or mixtures (glyphosate 720g a.i + metsulfuron methyl 15g a.i./ha, glyphosate 720g a.e./ha + 100g indaziflam a.i/ha) on goosegrass growing on the rubber field along the rubber row. Apart from those treatments there were plots cleared by scrapping the soil surface and plot without treatment. The results showed that indaziflam at 150g/ha and 720 g a.e glyphosate /ha + 100g indaziflam/ha) and manually only cleared controlled the goosegrass effectively followed by 450 g a.i ammonium glufosinate /ha whereas paraquat at 400g.a.i/ha and glyphosate at 720 g a.e/ha either alone or mixture with metsulfuron methyl at 15 g a.i/ha did not control goosegrass satisfactorily

goosegrass, Eleusine indica, herbicide, preemergent herbicide, postemergent herbicide

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Correlation of Analysis Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Plant Under Different Dosage Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizers and Source of Rhizobacteria in the Rainy Season
Maria Theresia Darini

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Corresponding Author
Maria Theresia Darini

Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta Indonesia

This study aims to know correlation of growth analysis and yield of shallot plant in application under different dosage ammonium sulphate (AS) fertilizer and the sources of rhizobacteria in the rainy season. The study was conducted in Balecatur village, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta from March to June 2018. The study was done using factorial Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The first factor was dosage of AS fertilizer (150, 250 and 350 kg ha-1). The second factor was sources of rhizobacteria (bamboo root, gliricidia root, peanut root) and control which was applied by AS 250 kg ha-1 of NPK. The observed variables were the analysis growth and yield of bulb per ha. The results were analysed using analysis of variance at 5% of significant then followed by multiple Duncan test at 5% of significant. There was no interaction between the dosage of ammonium sulphate fertilizer and the source of rhizobacteria on all observed variables. The dosage of US fertilizer up to 350 kg ha-1 did not increase growth and bulb yields, as well as sources of rhizobacteria, but highest bulb yields than controls were obtained at US 150 kg ha-1 and bamboo rhizobacteria. There was a high positive correlation between the components of the growth analysis, while the harvest index and bulb yield of the negative correlation was significantly low.

Index of growth, harvest index, net assimilation rate, rhizobacteria of bamboo.

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Sri Mursiani Arifah(1,2), MTh.Sri Budiastuti (2), Widyatmani Sih Dewi (3), Supriyadi (4)

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Corresponding Author
Sri mursiani Arifah

1. Sebelas Maret University, Department of Agriculture Science, Graduated School, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia
2. Muhammadiyah University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnology, Malang,Indonesia

Waste of soybean husk seeds (SHS) is very potential organic waste to be used as organic fertilizer through vermicomposting techniques. To find out the potential, it is necessary to characterize the vermicompost metabolites produced, because by detecting metabolites it will be useful in studying the profile and its metabolic pathway. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) is used to detect metabolites because it is a powerful tool in characterizing vermicompost. The purpose of this study is to detect vermicompost metabolites made from raw materials of SHS waste and combination with cow manure. Thus, further information obtained can be used as a recommendation in handling SHS waste specifically as organic fertilizer through vermicomposting techniques. The study of vermicomposting was conducted using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 5 repetition. The treatment details are: V1: SHS waste (100%), V2: cow manure (100%), V3: SHS waste: cow manure (50%: 50%), V4: SHS waste: cow manure (75 %: 25%) and V5: SHS waste: cow manure (25%: 75%). Data were analyzed using GC-MS and Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test. Based on the analysis using GC-MS in all treatments (V1-V5), there were detected metabolites classified as primary metabolites, consisting of: seven sugar compounds, 20 amino acid compounds, nine vitamins, three hormones and 43 organic acids. The treatment showed an increase in the chromatogram start of treatment V1-V5, and this result is directly proportional to HSD test where V5 treatment also showed the highest total curve. Key words: vermicompost, soybean husk, cow manure, GC-MS Abbreviations: SHS : soybean husk seed, GC-MS : Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy  

vermicompost, soybean husk, cow manure, GC-MS

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Erny Ishartati (a), Sufianto(a), Aulia Zakia(a), Made Jane Mejaya(b), Rudy Madiyanto(c)

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Corresponding Author
Erny Ishartati

(a) University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang [65144] Indonesia

(b) Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research
Insitute Jl. Raya Kendalpayak km 8, Malang [65101]
(c) Reseacher, Indonesia

Selection is the activity of selecting individuals the best plants based on the desired character. Selection will be effective if the right selection character is used. The aims of this study to determine agronomic characters that can be used as character selection in the cross-bred potato line population through heritability, genetic diversity, genotypic correlation, and selection of these lines. The experiment was conducted at the Green House, Sumber Brantas Village, Batu City, East Java. The materials used were 30 lines of potatoes as a result of the LJPRSD1 x AP-4 varieties crossing. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications. Observed agronomic characters were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, tuber diameter, number of bulbs, length of bulbs, weight per-bulb, starch content, and glucose. The result of heritability in almost all characters had a high value, except for the character of stem diameter and tuber length. Genotypic diversity in the character of stem diameter, bulb diameter, bulb length are low, while other characters are rather-low. Significant genotypic correlations between characters, except starch-content, to the weight per-bulb character. Agronomic characters that can be used as character selection are plant height, tuber diameter, and number of tubers.

agronomic character, heritability, genetic diversity, genotypic correlation

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Distribution and Morphological Diversity of Kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) In The Yogyakarta Palace and Its Surroundings
Handayani, E. (1,3*), Nandariyah (1,2), V.R. Cahyani (1,2), Parjanto (1,2)

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Corresponding Author
Etty Handayani

(1) Sebelas Maret University, Department of Agriculture Science, Graduated School, Surakarta, Indonesia
(2) Sebelas Maret University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnology, Surakarta, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the megabiodiversity countries, but only about 25% of its biodiversity has been cultivated, and some of them are rare and endangered. One of the rare plants that is very useful and has the potential to be developed is kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol (Bl.) Hook. F. & Thomson). Kepel or Burahol is an identity plant of Yogyakarta Province, known as a palace plant and often used as natural perfume and biopharma. This research was conducted to obtain a map of kepel distribution and to identify the morphological characterization of kepel plants in the Yogyakarta Palace and its surroundings. The study was conducted using a survey method with the purpose of sampling in the Yogyakarta Palace and its surrounding area. The sample plants were kepel plants that have been fruitful. Each plant was observed, and the morphological parameters measured included stem, leaf, and canopy. Observation variables according to the description for Annonaceae plants were based on Bioversity International, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) in 2008. Data from observations were presented in the form of scoring, then analyzed to assess the similarity matrix using SIMQUAL (Similarity for Qualitative Data) procedures. Grouping of matrix data (cluster analysis) and making dendograms was done by the Unweigthed Pair-Group Method Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) method using numerical Taxonomic and Multivariate System (NTSYS) version 2.02i. The results showed that based on the map of kepel plant distribution in the Yogyakarta Palace and its surrounding, the diversity of vegetative character of plants was random, and there was no grouping for certain accessions. Based on the morphological characterization of kepel plants in the Yogyakarta Palace and its surrounding showed uniformity in the canopy shape and leaf edge shape, however, it had diversity in leaf shape, leaf base, leaf tip, leaf color, leaf length, leaf width, leaf stalk length, color stem and a number of branches. Based on the similarity of morphological characterization (canopy, stem, and leaf ), kepel plants in the Yogyakarta Palace and its surrounding can be grouped into three clusters with a similarity level of 0.5. Cluster A consists of 17 accessions, Cluster B consists of 23 accessions, while cluster C consists of 6 accessions. The diversity of morphological characterization of kepel in in the Yogyakarta Palace and its surrounding can be used for plant selection to improve traits. Keywords: burahol, characterization, diversity, phenotype.

Burahol, characterization, diversity, phenotype.

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Distribution of Carrot Branch Tuber Diseases in West Java, Indonesia
Wawan Kurniawan (a), Eso Solihin (a), Kadapi Muhamad (a)

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Corresponding Author
Kadapi Muhamad

Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Padjadjaran

Branch Tuber Disease in carrot is the recent issue in carrot cultivation in Indonesia. This disease is caused by nematode infection (Meloidogyne spp). The objective of this research was to find the distribution of carrot root branching in Indonesia, particularly in West Java. Besides, dominated and diversity of Meloidogyne spp was revealed in this study. The laboratory experiment was conducted at the Biotechnology of Plant Protection laboratory and soil nutrition laboratory at agricultural faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran from February 2017 to November 2017. We observed the distribution of the disease in West Java at central horticultural commodities, particularly in vegetables such as Cipanas, Cianjur, Lembang, Ciwidey, Pangalengan and Garut Area. The result indicated that branch tuber diseases have been widely distributed in West Java. The percentages of distribution in each area were in Cipanas and Cianjur 90%, Lembang 56%, Pangalengan 74%, Ciwidey 71%, and Garut 41%. We identified several species of Meloidogyne spp such as Meloidogyne javanica, Meloidogyne arenaria, Meloidogyne incognita, and Meloidogyne hapla. The dominant species of Meloidogyne spp in these areas were M. javanica dan M. incognita.

perenial pattern, juvenile, baermann funnel, counting dish, mistifier chamber

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Farida Iriani and Putri Wulansari Yanuastri

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Corresponding Author
Siti Nur Aisyah

Faculty of Agriculture Bandung Raya University

Zodia is one of the Indonesian indigenous plants from Papua, designated as biopharmaca because of its efficacy in preventing mosquito bites in the human body. The variety of types and levels of these organic compounds found in each organ of the plant zodia is the purpose and benefit of this study. The research was conducted in March to June 2018 at the Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University and the Biochemistry Laboratory of the Indonesian Education University, both in the city of Bandung. The results showed that zodia plants dominated by benzene compounds were found in root bark (46.42%), stem bark (21.60%), leaves (8.42%), and seeds (7.28%) . Then followed by hexane compounds respectively in the bark organ (3.80%), root bark (2.89%), seeds (3.30%), and leaves (2.27%). The total types of phytochemical compounds contained in the root bark organ (56 species), leaves (23 species), bark (21 types), and seeds (18 species). All types of phytochemicals detected through GCMS chromatography method type GC-2010 and QMS-2010 type GCMS are potential as phytopharmaca if managed appropriately. By knowing the types and levels of phytochemicals found in each organ of zodia, it is expected to open the opportunity for the drug industry to manage phytochemicals to be clinically useful for humans.

zodia, benzene compounds, phytochemicals

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Diversity of Fruit Flies (Bactrocera spp.) on Some Varieties of Mango at Kecamatan Talun Kabupaten Cirebon
Agus Susanto*, Luciana Djaya*, Martua Suhunan Sianipar* and Eliz Roziana**

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* Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran

** Alumni of Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran

Fruit flies (Bactrocera spp.) are important pests of horticultural crops, especially fruit, and vegetables. To control this pest, information about species of fruit flies in certain fruits in an area need to be identified and reported. The purpose of this study was to identify species of fruit flies, determine the dominant species of fruit flies, and diversity index of fruit flies on mango Gedong Gincu, Cengkir, and Arumanis at Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Cirebon. Observation method was applied by taking samples of mango attacked by fruit flies. Samples were obtained from field, wholesaler and market at Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Cirebon. The results showed that there were four species that attack mango Gedong Gincu, Cengkir, and Arumanis at Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Cirebon, namely B. dorsalis, B. carambolae, interspesific hybrids of B. dorsalis and B. carambolae, and B. albistrigata. The dominant species was B. dorsalis. Diversity index (H-) of fruit flies species were 0.05 ≤ H- ≤ 0.48 (H-= < 1.5), so that the diversity was low.

Fruit fly, mango var. Gedong Gincu, mango var. Cengkir, mango var. Arumanis

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Dry Anaerobic Fermentation with the Addition of S. cereviseae on the Various Ratio of Organic Waste and Cow Feses in Biogas Production
Tami Rahma Lestari (a*), Gemilang Lara Utama (b), AB Susanto (c)

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Tami Rahma Lestari

a. Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universitas Wanita Internasional
b. Faculty of Agroindustrial Technology, Universitas Padjadjaran
c. Faculty of Fisheries & Science Marine, Universitas Diponegoro

Organic waste should be used to minimize environmental problems. Organic waste can be mixed with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and cows manure as a raw material of biogas production. Appropriate Saccharomyces cerevisiae dose and cows manure are needed to get the best biogas production with distillery sludge as fertilizer that meets the standards. This research is aimed to determine whether organic waste utilization with addition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and cows manure provides good biogas production. Research was done experimentally based on Completely Randomized Design 4 x 3 with factorial patterns. Treatments consisted of three factors, namely the addition of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae concentrations (0 gr, 2 gr and 4 gr) and combination of organic waste and cows manure ratio (1:0, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 v/v) with three replications. The result showed that 2 gr of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on kitchen waste and cows manure with ratio 1:1 (F2S1) can produce 0,0128m3 with a decrease in the C / N ratio of 60.07% and the final pH of sludge 6.81.

biogas, S.cereviseae, organic waste

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Safruddin, Cik Zulia

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Safruddin Safruddin

Department of Agrotechnology, University of Asahan, Indonesia

This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden University of Asahan, Faculty of Agriculture, Kisaran Timur Subdistrict, Asahan Regency, with flat topography, type C climate according to Oldeman and place height around 20 m asl. The research was conducted from June to August 2018. The research was conducted using factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of bokashi banana peel fertilizer as the first factor with 3 treatment levels, namely: P0 = 0 kg/plot, P1 = 3 kg/plot, P2 = 6 kg/plot and imperata mulch as the second factor with 4 levels, namely: A0 = 0 kg/plot, A1 = 0.8 kg/plot, A2 = 1.6 kg/plot, A3 = 2.4 kg/plot. The best dose bokashi banana peel is given in 6 kg/plot (P2) which produces 142.28 cm plant height, 845.49 cm2 leaf area, 1.75 kg production per sample plant, and 8.71 kg production per plot. While for production per hectare is 21 tons. Imperata mulch application has no effect on plant height and leaf area. However, it has a significant effect on the parameters of production per sample plant of 1.71 kg and production per plot of 8.38 kg with treatment of 2.4 kg/plot (A3). The interaction of bokashi banana peel and imperata mulch application showed no significant effect on all observed parameters.

bokashi banana peel, imperata mulch, maize (Zea mays)

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Rita Noveriza 1, TL. Mardiningsih1, John Nefri2, dan Siti Riffi-ah1

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Rita Noveriza

1Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor
2Payakumbuh State Agricultural Polytechnic

Mosaic disease on patchouli has developed very rapidly, in a period of 3 years it has spread to patchouli cultivation centers in Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi. Therefore, prevention of the spread and control of this disease is a major concern. Volatile oil and plant extracts contain active substances that can inhibit viral infections in plant tissues. The highest percentage of mosaic virus inhibition originating from patchouli plant in Chenopodium amaranticolor test by nanoemulsion formula citronella dose 1% (74.87%) and clove dose 0.5% (43.55%). Citronella nano pesticide fragrant dose of 1% with the application time every month effectively suppresses the development of mosaic disease in patchouli plants of Sidikalang variety in Bandung-West Java and Banten. This study aims to look at the effectiveness of the clove nano biopesticide formula against patchouli mosaic virus and its economic feasibility study. The study was conducted at the Manoko Experimental Garden, Bandung, West Java from March to November 2018. This study was compiled with Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 5 treatments of 10 replications and each replication of 100 plants. The results obtained showed that the efficacy of citronella, clove, and commercial citronella (Asimbo) nano biopesticide formulas on the intensity of mosaic disease compared to without treatment were 14.68%, 9.06%, and 5.83%, respectively. While the intensity of attack of patchouli leaf rollers were 38.03%, 35.21%, and 0% respectively. The efficacy of chemical insecticides on aphids attack was 32.39%, not different from the administration of the biopesticide nano formula citronella and clove. The yield loss of patchoulina 2 varieties compare with control without treatment ranged from 5.14 to 14.96%. Levels of patchouli alcohol> 30% (meet SNI standard of quality) but oil yield <1. Nano Biopesticides cloves have the potential as biopesticides to control plant viruses.

Pogostemon cablin, nano viruside, virus mosaic, validation of technology

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Effects of Exogenous Auxin on the Growth of Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cuttings
Sarjiyah, Gatot Supangkat, Tata Guretna

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Gatot Supangkat Samidjo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, sarjiyah[at]

This research aimed to determine the source of auxin which can increase the growth of tea cuttings. This research was conducted in the Tanjungsari plantation unit of PT Tambi tea nursery, Wonosobo and the Research Laboratory of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, from February to August 2018. The experiment was a single factor experiment arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The tested treatments were auxin sources consisting of IBA 6.000 ppm, Rootone-F paste, 10% goat urine, 70% shallot and without auxin addition. The result showed that the addition of IBA 6.000 was able to improve the rooting percentage of the tea cuttings. The addition of 10% goat urine and 6,000 ppm IBA significantly increased root length and leaf area of the tea cuttings.

IBA, Rootone-F, goat urine, red onion

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Effects of Leaf Morphology On Vegetable Plants Resistance (Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae and Solanaceae) of Bemisia tabaci Genn. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) : A Review
Tengku Laila Kamaliah(a*), Muhamad Syukur(a), Sobir(a), Awang Maharijaya(a), Purnama Hidayat(b)

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(a) Agronomy and Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Jl. Meranti, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, West Java, Indonesia.
(b) Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Jl. Meranti, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, West Java, Indonesia.

Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, is a polyfag insect and one of the important pests in vegetable plants at Indonesia. Loss of yield due to whitefly attack on host plants is 20% -100%. Chemical control with pesticides is less effective because the whitefly body is covered by a layer of wax. Whitefly control with resistant or tolerant plants is needed. Whitefly is a sap-sucking leaf plant insect. Therefore plant vegetables breeding for resistance varieties or tolerance refers to the leaf morphology as physical barrier such as number of trichome, slope of trichome, density and length of palisade tissue, cuticula layer and leaf thickness. The aim of this study was to review the effects of leaf morphology of the Bemisia tabaci Genn. on Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae and Solanaceae. With this summarize character target of plant vegetables breeding will become more clearer to be achieved.

leaf morphology; bemisia tabaci; plant vegetable resistance

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Wardah, Edy N.S., and Dini Ariani

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Wardah Wardah

Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences and Natural Materilas Technology Research Institute - Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Community income of West Java coastal areas ranging from Pelabuhan Ratu area to the coastal area of Leuweung Sancang in South Garut, West Java is fishing. Their daily life is very dependent on the results of fishing in the sea. Livelihoods like this are highly dependent on the condition of the seasons. This makes the life of coastal communities are often categorized as food insecure communities. The longer dry season than the rainy season adds to the livelihood of the community tends to suffer from food insecurity. Jalawure (Tacca leontopetaloides) is one of the plant species that grows on the coast, has tubers containing a high source of carbohydrates and mineral content which can be utilized by the community to overcome such dry conditions. This research was conducted from 2016-2018 in several villages, namely the coast of Kerta Jaya Village (Sukabumi Regency), Cidamar (Cianjur Selatan, Cianjur Regency), Mancagahar, Pameungpeuk, Leuweung Sancang (Garut Regency), West Java. Ethnobotany study of jalawure is discussed in this manuscript.

Ethnobotany study, Jalawure(Tacca leontopetaloides), West Java

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Lutfy Ditya Cahyanti, Andi Ahmad Abdul Aziz, Niken Trisnaningrum

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University of Darussalam Gontor

The aims of this study were to determine the class of land suitability for durian plants in Ponorogo district and its mapping. The area evaluated is a sub-district producing durian in Ponorogo district, the sub-districts are Sooko, Pudak, Pulung, Jenangan, Ngebel, Sambit and Ngrayun. Laboratory analysis was carried out in the Agrotechnology laboratory of the University of Darussalam Gontor and Sebelas Maret University laboratories starting February to July 2018. Determination of sample points was done by overlapping method using Arcgis software version 10.3. The process of classifying land suitability is done by matching the quality of the land with the growing requirements for durian plants. Land suitability classification for durian plants based on the suitability class of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) method. The results showed that Ponorogo district was included in the class a little according to S3 with limiting factors on land quality rough texture of soil fraction, soil pH, slope of land, altitude, and surface rock.

evaluation, land, durian, Ponorogo

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Evaluation of Several Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) in the Minapadi Cultivation System in Sleman, Yogyakarta
Kristamtini, Sugeng Widodo, Endang Wisnu Wiranti, Joko Pramono

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology Yogyakarta,

Jl. Stadion Maguwoharjo No. 22, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesi

Minapadi is fish farming in the fields along with rice cultivation. Minapadi cultivation can increase income and increase soil and water fertility. The study aims to determine the responses of several rice varieties in Minapadi cultivation, in the hope of increasing farmers income both from rice production and from fish production. The study was conducted in Samberembe, Candibinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta in March until August 2018. The research is arranged factorial with the first factor is the cultivation system: minapadi and ugadi (shrimp with rice), the second factor is 4 rice varieties: red Sembada, Inpar 30, Inpari 43, and Inpari 42. The results showed that the evaluated rice varieties differ from each other according to their genetic potential which was influenced by their growing environment. There were significant differences in all parameters (plant height, number of tillers, leaf length, leaf width, panicle length, number of filled grains and hollow per panicle, weight of 100 grains and productivity) both in the treatment of varieties and cultivation systems and their interactions. The average productivity in minapadi cultivation was higher (7.79 tons / ha) than ugadi cultivation (7.24 tons / ha). The highest average productivity was achieved by Inpari 43 (8.07 tons / ha) followed by Inpari 42 (7.49 tons / ha) and Sembada variety (7.49 tons / ha), the lowest achieved by Inpari 30 (7, 00 tons / ha)

evaluation, minapadi, Yogyakarta

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Moh. Shoimus Sholeh, Kelik Perdana Windra Sukma

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Kelik Sukma

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Madura

Farmers in Pamekasan Regency, especially in Pakong Subdistrict, use a lot of sloping land as agricultural land. The farmers generally have implemented conservation rules at different levels. This study aims to examine the factors that influence the level of application of rice farming conservation on sloping land. The method used in this study is a questionnaire that concern with the level of conservation application and the factors that influence the level of adoption of conservation farming. Conservation farming variables include making terraces, making infiltration channels, planting terrace reinforcement plants, making water drainage channels and utilizing or using natural mulch. Factors that influence include land area (X1), farmers age (X2), formal education (X3), non-formal education (X4), land slope (X5), conservation farming knowledge (X6), knowledge of conservation methods (X7) , and knowledge of the importance of conservation (X8). The result was that 65.38% of the sampled farmers had applied conservation with a high level category. Multiple linear analysis of the factors showed that X4, X5, X7 and X8 had a significant effect on the level of implementation of conservation farming on rice plants on sloping land.

conservation farming, sloping land, rice

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Foliar Application of Cattle Bone Ash in Increasing Growth and Production of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays Saccharata L.)
Muyono, Taufiq Hidayat

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Mulyono Mulyono

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Cattle bone ash contain high calcium and phosphor that can be used as foliar fertilizer. The foliar application requires that the particle size must be smaller than the stomatal size. The study is expected that by applying cattle bone ash to sweet corn through foliar application can increase the growth and the production of sweet corn. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with five treatment there are without cattle bone ash application, 0.1 %, 0.2 %, 0.3%, and 0.4% of cattle bone ash concentration. Cattle bone ash dominated with particle smaller than stomatal size and contain high calcium, oxygen and phosphor with little of sodium and magnesium. The result showed that 0.3% application of resize cattle bone ash could enhance leaves area, root dry weight, ear weight, 100 kernels weight, and net assimilation rate

Phosphorus, Fertilizer, Resize Particle,

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Genetically engineered cassava expressing Arabidopsis scopolin-beta-glucosidase for delayed postharvest physiological deterioration
Dr. Ahmad Fathoni

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Ahmad Fathoni

Research Centre for Biotechnology, LIPI Indonesia

Rapid postharvest deterioration of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) root also known as postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is a major problem to the utilisation and development of cassava as a food and commercial commodity. De-glucosylation of scopolin regulates the homeostasis of scopoletin in the cells by the action of scopolin-beta-glucosidase (scopolin-BG). This enzyme releases scopoletin, a major component that plays a central role in cassava root deterioration, under stress conditions. However, an understanding of how this pathway contributes to root deterioration development and the specific genes for this enzyme in cassava remains undefined. We first investigated the diversity of scopolin-BG in cassava and manipulated the de-glucosylation of scopolin pathway via over-expression of a scopolin-BG gene, BGLU23, from Arabidopsis. We found that cassava scopolin-BG is encoded by multiple genes, most of which belong to glycosyl hydrolase family-1 (GH1). Identified homologous cassava scopolin-BG genes shared low amino acid sequence similarity with the reference gene, BGLU23, between 34 and 46%, and the phylogenetic tree revealed that none of them were closely related to BGLU23. Scopoletin and scopolin were detected at low levels in fresh roots of transgenic cassava, but their accumulation was significantly increased at day 2, accompanied by the up-regulation of BGLU23. Although it appears that de-glucosylation of scopolin does not play a crucial role in the accumulation of scopoletin in cassava, some BLU23-expressing transgenic cassava showed significantly delayed PPD compared to wild type control. This study has improved our understanding of biochemical pathway involved in PPD and provided alternative way to tackle this problem.

Plant biotechnology, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), genetic engineering, postharvest deterioration, scopolin

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


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